what is a good answer to the invalidating response im sorry you feel that way

A genuine, heartfelt apology is a powerful step toward mending hurt feelings and finding a resolution. A one-half-assed apology, on the other hand, can be worse than none at all.

Illustration: Damon Dahlen/HuffPost Photos: Getty

The difference between a sincere amends and inexpensive ane has a lot to do with how it's phrased. Word to the wise: If you say "sorry" and then immediately follow it with a provisional discussion like "merely" or "if," you're headed in the wrong direction.

Nosotros asked therapists to share the phrases you should avoid when trying to repent to a friend, family member, meaning other or pretty much anyone, for that affair. Here's what they had to say.

1. "I'm sorry you feel that way."

"Even though this phrase begins with the words, 'I'thousand distressing,' information technology is not a real apology. It does non take ownership of any wrongdoing. It does not communicate remorse for your deportment, and it does non express any empathy towards the other person's feelings. Instead, it may imply that you remember the other person is existence irrational or overly sensitive. Try to understand and take responsibility for how your deportment or words hurt the other person, maxim something similar, 'I'yard sorry that I canceled our plans at the last minute. Information technology was inconsiderate of your time and I sympathise why you are angry at me.'" ― Gina Delucca, clinical psychologist at Wellspace SF

2. "I'1000 sorry I said that, but I never would have if you hadn't behaved the way you lot did."

"Once more, we are hearing blame. 'Wait what you made me do.' This is non an apology for one's behavior just really a maneuver to hold the other person responsible for one's behavior. In other words, 'Yous caused me to say this to you lot.' Nosotros are all responsible for our beliefs, no affair what the other person says or does. A heartfelt apology is to recognize the hurting we cause and own our beliefs: 'I'm sorry that I reacted the mode I did and upset you.'" ― Carol A. Lambert, psychotherapist and author of Women with Controlling Partners

3. "I was stressed out!" (or tired...or hungry...)

"This makes a recurrence of the crime near inevitable. Always connect the apology to the futurity. For instance, 'The next time I feel that way (whatever triggered the law-breaking), I will remember that I love you lot and that our bond is so important to me,' or, 'I'll make sure I go centered in my values so I don't act on impulse.' The subtext should always be: 'I'one thousand deplorable that I hurt y'all and harmed the bond between us.'" ― Steven Stosny, psychologist and author of Dear Without Hurt

iv. "I said I'k sorry already, why tin't you just let it go?"

"Blaming your partner for not immediately accepting your apology, forgiving yous and moving on is unrealistic and unfair. For an amends to be effective, it must be clear that: i) You have full responsibility for your actions and inactions; 2) You are sincerely sorry for annihilation you lot've washed to cause pain and 3) That y'all want to remedy the state of affairs past giving your partner what they need to feel safe in order to move on and forgive you. Not all apologies pb to immediate forgiveness. It may have time. And information technology may take apologizing more than once. Starting time by asking what your partner needs in order to trust you and feel condom and so do information technology." ― Sheri Meyers, marriage and family therapist and author of Chatting or Cheating: How to Detect Infidelity, Rebuild Love and Affair-Proof Your Relationship

v. "I was reacting to..."

"This is an excuse, not an apology." ― Stosny

6. "I'1000 lamentable if I offended you."

"This is an example of a provisional apology that doesn't truly admit any remorse or personal responsibleness. By using the give-and-take 'if,' you lot are communicating that the problem isn't really about what you lot did, simply is most how the person reacted to what you did instead. Essentially, this blazon of 'non-apology' places the blame back onto the person it'due south directed at. Only remove the discussion 'if,' and your apology tin can accept on a whole new significant: 'I'yard sorry I offended yous. I volition make sure to be more than considerate and careful with my words in the future.'" ― Tara Griffith, union and family therapist and the founder of Wellspace SF

vii. "I may have done this, merely you lot did that!"

"Try to avoid keeping score and bringing up times when the other person was in the incorrect. An apology is near you acknowledging the wrongfulness of your own actions and making amends; information technology is not about pointing fingers at other people as a way to justify your deportment." ― Delucca


Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/im-sorry-you-feel-that-way-apology_n_5acd47e5e4b06a6aac8cce67

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